from 1998

that opening where horizons merge
where colors blend
into a fold
that is more
into a deep song falling
through the memories
of a thousand mythic stars
from where i emerge
from labyinths enveloped

where colors slip from my skin
a night sky reaching for dawn
the blood beneath the skin
on the back of my hand
is the breath that carries rivers
to soothe the infants of autumn

i am slipping silk among the landscapes of mirror
green and as far as eyes can see
a cacophony of life pulsing
the brilliant silence

drifting as hand to drum
towards heart and birth
before illusion draped over
were mistaken for time
that opening where the sun kisses sun
upon water kissing sky

it has been my experience
of mountains
of waterfalls and streams
against my skin
among my porous heart
a deep song

vivid colored labyrinths
the center everywhere
everywhere mirrors
threaten the wind

and all we’ve been taught falls away
leaving only
that small infinite place
where horizon embraces horizon

i see trees through my body
rich fields fecund soil
the scent of my blood

i am every thing
i am no thing
dancing illusions beginning to end
birthing phantoms
caressed thresholds
of i am


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