Letters From Lost Cities (January 1998)

Author: FlowingOm / Labels:

Madness, my sage,

I am watching you
From ancient worlds
A shadow you could reach

Out and in
Touch as expansive as skin
Ink to keep us safe

I am secret and falling
These are not my words

Epistemic slumber
Copulation of chaos and order
Black seeds open the white flower

I am lost
In the bitter pink pulp
Flooding fingertips

Is this what you wanted?

In the lost city
When eyes turn so
And it is you
Watching from afar

Heart pounding blood
Through my muse
Eyes through twisted portal
Naval window
Opens atop my head

This other madness
Like this
Like shape shifters
In old mirrors
Dank and pristine

With love,



Thanks for visiting. Write to me at lynnvarian@gmail.com
